Event Agenda
From the most inspiring speakers and debate at the intersection of digital and sustainability, to bold commitments for action - see 2022´s session line up.
Tuesday 27th september
Moderator: Patricia Matos - Director of Innovation, Global Media Group
Opening Ceremony
Introduction: Luis Neves, CEO, Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
- Teresa Ribera - Vice President, Government of Spain; Spanish Minister of the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
- Mário Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation, Government of Portugal
A Digital Agenda for a Flourishing Portugal – Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal
Building Summit Priorities
Moderator: Peter Lacy, Global Sustainability Services Lead and Chief Responsibility Officer, Accenture
Following the high-level opening of the summit, this session will set the stage for the action agenda of the summit. Digital tools for summit facilitation will be introduced.
Delivering Solutions for health and Food systems
Moderator: Erika Staël von Holstein, CEO, Re-Imagine Europe
- Corne Kempenaar, Senior Scientist at Wageningen Plant Research Institute
- Natasha Santos, Crop Science Division Vice President, Head of Global Stakeholder Affairs & Strategic Partnerships, Bayer AG
- Daniel Azevedo, Director Commodities, Trade and Technology, Copa Cogeca
- Julien Willeme, Global Chief Counsel for Data & AI Strategy, Medtronic
Currently, most of the focus on digitalization for health and food systems are improvements in existing sectors, e.g. optimized irrigation with sensors or digitalization of journals in hospitals. These measures are important, but for a world where we are approaching 10 billion people and humans are living longer, the role of digitalization to provide transformative system solutions is absolutely necessary.
How can digitalization fundamentally reshape our food systems in sustainable ways, from synthetic protein and vertical farming, to providing better access to healthier meal choices on the consumer end?
A similar challenge exists for health. How can digitalization improve people and populations’ well-being, lower stress, and minimize exposure to toxic chemicals and unhealthy environments.
For aging populations, digitalization has the potential to significantly increase the quality of life for older people and ensure that they remain an active part of society.
In order for solutions to become reality, support to foster innovation is needed at all levels, from policy-making and public procurement to businesses and startups.
The session will discuss the various issues and synergies between food systems, nutrition, and health.
Delivering Solutions for Living and Architecture
Keynote: Dirk Messner, President, German Environmental Agency
Moderator: Ingemar Jansson, Board Chairman, Swedish Industry Association for Digitalisation Consultants
- Erik Swan, Director of Digital Business Exploration, Husqvarna Group
- Aimée Aguilar, Climate Change Mitigation in the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division Lead, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Maryke van Staden, Director, Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)’s carbonn Climate Center (Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting)
- Miguel Eiras Antunes, Public Sector & Infrastructure Portugal & Continental Europe Leader, Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Global Leader, Deloitte
- Bastien Hillen, Global Lead for Sustainability Strategic Engagements, Dassault Systèmes
Cities are major sources of emissions, but also major hubs of innovation. As urban populations rapidly expand over time, cities will need to not just improve upon existing systems and infrastructure but drastically rethink how to address the shifting needs of these growing urban populations. The session will discuss how cities can use the Fourth Industrial Revolution of digitalization to reduce emissions while also becoming providers of exportable and sustainable global climate solutions. Topics such as, using AI for green spaces and new-generation architecture will be discussed.
Sustainable Finance
Moderator: Patrícia Matos, Director of Innovation - Global Media Group
- Maria João Carioca, Executive Board Member, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer, Caixa Geral de Depósitos
- Jose Miguel Pessanha, Executive Board Member and Chief Risk Officer, Millennium
- Tom Slocock, Head of International Product Development and Origination, iCapital
- Margarida Couto, CEO, Fundação Vasco Vieira de Almeida
- João Dias, Chief Digital Officer, Novo Banco
Sustainable finance is a topic that has grown in popularity over the past decade. But given the urgency and importance for the planet, has sustainable finance become a top priority for the financial sector yet, or is it still a sidelined, niche topic for certain investors looking to add social and environmentally beneficial components to their bottom lines.
This session will explore how the market for green financial products is growing, and whether ESG risk analysis, both on lending and on stock selection, as well as green and social bonds are in-demand and becoming more mainstreamed. The panel will discuss how financial players are incorporating sustainability risks into their policies and products and whether we are doing enough to create new sustainable business and governance models. They will examine the role that European regulation can play in all this and where digital with purpose can fit in the transition towards more sustainable financial systems.
Delivering solutions for Education in a Rapidly Changing Digital World
Moderator: Veerle Vandeweerd, Co-convener, COVID Education Alliance (COVIDEA); Global Entrepreneurship Centre (GEC)
- Georgios Kostakos, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability
- Jose Crespo Carvalho, CEO, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE) Executive Education
- Stephen Downes, Internet and New Media Researcher
- Rogério Carapuça, President, Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications (APDC)
- Maria Lopes Saraiva, Senior Strategy Manager, Google
CEOs in the Hot Seat
Keynote: Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Author, Professor
Moderator: Luis Neves, CEO of GeSI
- Andrés Ortola, General Manager, Microsoft Portugal
- Paula Gomes Freire, Managing Partner, Vieira de Almeida
- Fernando Reino da Costa, CEO, Unipartner
- Ana Paula Marques, Executive Board Member, EDP
- Tony Jin Yong, Vice President, Huawei West European Region
How can leading CEOs steer companies in such a way that they are not only viewing digitisation and the urgency to deliver on global sustainability targets as external drivers, but also as forces through which to assume a net positive role and drive a future where 10 billion people can live flourishing lives in harmony with nature. How are these trends to be used to inspire business innovation and a renewed focus on creating an impact that matters?
This in-person and virtual CEO panel will to explore how 'digital with purpose' can be used to address many pressing challenges as well as unlock new business opportunities. They will discuss new and existing solutions, how digitization is being used in their organisations to accelerate the uptake of digital technologies optimised for net positive, as well as their future plans and what will be required for an exponential uptake of solutions to ensure they are able to deliver on sustainability goals beyond our current targets.
Towards the end of the session, the moderator will host a Q&A and the session will close by commencing a countdown to the next Digital with Purpose Global Summit where an assessment of the net positive progress and impact made by the four CEOs and their companies will be offered.
Keynote Speech: Antonio Costa Silva, Portuguese Minister of Economy and the Sea
Antonio Costa Silva, Portuguese Minister of Economy and the Sea
Empower. Accelerate. Scale. Deliver.
Moderator: Jorge Moreira da Silva, Chairman, Platform for Sustainable Growth
- Pedro Tavares, Portuguese Secretary of State for Justice
- Bernd Halling, Bayer Liaison to International Organizations
- Luisa Ribeiro Lopes, Chair of the Board of Directors, .PT
- David Jensen, Coordinator for Digital Transformation, UN Environment Programme
- Andre Aragao de Azevedo, Digital Development Partnerships Director, Microsoft International
- Joao Ricardo Moreira, Board Member, NOS Communications
- Timmy Dooley, Irish Senator, Fianna Fáil; ALDE Party Co-President
A high-level leaders panel from countries, cities, companies, and international organizations convenes in this session to announce the Digital with Purpose implementation agenda for next 12 months.
DWP Summit Commitment: Accelerating Human-Centric Innovation
This session is the final session of the summit and will focus on the “DWP Summit Commitment: Accelerating Human-centric Innovation”. Instead of a general discussion and long-term commitments, all speakers in this session will focus on their relation to the concrete actions needed to deliver globally relevant positive impacts with digital solutions in 2023. The audience will also be invited to indicate what different actions they can support.
Closing Ceremony
Amandeep Singh Gill, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Envoy on Technology
Digital With Purpose Global Award
Parallel Sessions: Cutting-Edge Sector Perspectives
Parallel Sessions: HUAWEI STAGE
Moderator: Marcos Pinto, News Presenter, CNN Portugal
Digital at the Service of the Energy Transition
Moderator: Allen Vasconcelos, Global Digital Director, EDP
- Sofia Tenreiro, Energy, Resources & Industrials Sectors Leader, Deloitte
- Damien Buie, Industry Lead for Renewables and New Energies, Amazon Web Services
- Dan Jeavons, Vice President of Computational Science & Digital Innovation, Shell
- Alexandre Vaz, CEO, JAy!
The current energy crisis and changing energy mix makes the digitisation of the energy sector critical to the energy transition and complex transformation across multiple domains.
The energy transition imperative has a profound impact across the energy value chain, requiring both an increase of electricity consumption in the mix of final energy demand, as well as a rapid increase of renewables in the electricity generation mix.
These two distinct demands call not only for a change of technologies and customer behaviors, but also for the kind of integration of energy systems only possible through a true digital transition.
In this context, digitisation plays a key role in the energy transition. Digital transition technologies i.e. cloud, big data & analytics, artificial intelligence, IoT, AR/VR and blockchain, will be fundamental to the energy sector both as enablers and accelerators of the energy transition.
A new generation of cloud services delivering sustainable solutions for human needs
Moderator: Inês Oliveira, Portfolio Sales Executive at Unipartner
- Allen Vasconcelos, Global Digital Director, EDP
- Clara Mansilha, Sustainability Community Lead, Microsoft
- Sergio Trindade, Director of Information Systems and Digital Transformation, Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres (EPAL)
- Vasco Vaz, Assistant Technical Delegate, Worldskills Portugal
- Alexandre Antunes, Datacenter Transformation Service Area Leader at Unipartner
Digital and sustainability go hand-in-hand and allow organizations to make a difference in their ecological footprints, as well as the products and services they offer. GeSI and Accenture’s study “Smarter2030” indicates the cloud as one of 7 major accelerators for sustainability, especially when it comes to organizations.
Unipartner is a consulting and information systems integration company that helps organizations become more sustainable by unleashing the potential of the cloud to reduce their carbon emissions and promote a circular economy. This session aims to explore the opportunities given by the cloud to meet organizations’ sustainability goals and build a future with purpose.
1ST PART: “Elevating sustainability with the cloud” (20 MIN)
- The cloud can leverage organizations’ sustainability and social responsibility efforts through the reduction of carbon emissions and acceleration of circular economy initiatives. - Alexandre Antunes, Datacenter Transformation Service Area Leader at Unipartner
2ND PART: Success Story (15 MIN)
- A success story presented by IEFP (the Portuguese Institute for Employment and Professional Training) to demonstrate how they’ve changed the way in which they host their Worldskills Portugal contest. This initiative is extremely important to IEFP as it provides the opportunity to reskill people continuously with the help of Digital - Vasco Vaz, Assistant Technical Delegate, Worldskills Portugal
3RD PART: Discussion Panel (45 MIN)
A discussion panel with the participation of key organizations from different industries, such as IEFP, EPAL and EDP alongside our technology partner, Microsoft, about different approaches to the cloud and what can be done to accelerate sustainability internally and externally - Moderator: Inês Oliveira, Portfolio Sales Executive at Unipartner
Enabling the Green Transition
Moderator: Julia Schmalenberg, Director European R&I Ecosystems, Huawei Technologies
Keynote: Emmanouil Fragkos, European Parliament Member
- Massamba Thioye, Project Executive UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
- Rui Luis Aguiar, Chair of the Steering Board, NetworldEurope European Technology Platform
- Alessandro Gropelli, Deputy Director General, ETNO
Digitisation is supporting the green transition of a number of key industries and sectors. This panel discussion will focus on the green transition enabled by ICT industry providers, digital technologies and innovations. The panelists will share perspectives on industry and sector trends in ´ICT for Green´ and ´Innovation for Green,´ practical industry case study examples to demonstrate the enabling role of digital innovation, as well as discuss the standards and policy measures needed to amplify and accelerate industry and sector digital transformations in support of the green transition.
Expanding Innovation to 10 Billion People
Moderated by:
- Massamba Thioye, Project Executive UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
- Dennis Pamlin, Executive Director/Senior Advisor, Mission Innovation NCI/RISE
Keynote: Creating a New Paradigm in (Smart) City Management - Pedro Costa Lima, Head of Sales, BrightCity.
- Smita Rakesh, Portfolio Director, Clean Energy and Climate Innovations, Social Alpha
- Ivan Rejon, Head of Strategy, Marketing, Communications and Public Affairs, Ericsson Spain & Portugal
- Pourya Salehi, Acting Head of Urban Research Team, Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) World Secretariat
Corporations have long been viewed as big carbon emitters and sources of environmental and social problems. But thanks to the work of UNFCCC, Mission Innovation, WBCSD, GeSI and others, corporations and companies have been working with organizations to shift and reposition themselves as active participants, stakeholders, and solution providers given the wide reach, leverage and tools available at their disposal.
From public-private partnerships to digital innovation incubators, this session will explore the active roles that companies play in creating, fostering, and supporting sustainable solutions from around the world and the great potential that these solutions can hold to meet humanity and the planet’s future needs.
Parallel Sessions: NOS Stage
Moderator: Margarida Pinto Correia - Deputy Director of External Affairs and Stakeholders, EDP
European Green Digital Coalition (EGDC): Assessing the Climate Impact of Digital Solutions
Moderated by: Ilias Iakovidis, The European Commission - DG Connect
- Gregor Skender, Sustainability Director, Deloitte
- Angelo Fienga, Sustainable Solutions Director, Cisco
- Vincent Minier, Vice President Energy Transition, Schneider Electric
- Chris Tuppen, Managing Director, Advancing Sustainability
- Laura Fernández Cavas, Head of Sustainable Finance, Telefónica
- Anna Jezewska, Senior Associate, The Carbon Trust
- Vlad C. Coroamă, Chair of Sustainable Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin
- Alexander Lehrmann, Senior Director Innovation & Development, Sunrise UPC
This session presents the objectives, working methods, and target impacts of the European Green Digital Coalition (EGDC). EGDC aims to create a specific, quantitative measurement for the impact of digital solutions on climate, a vital complementary initiative to the Digital with Purpose movement.
While it is currently possible to estimate the impact of digital on a macroeconomic scale, there is still no adequate evidence and science-based, standardised methodology for assessing the emissions avoidance of digital solutions. EGDC asserts that such metrics will enable financial actors and markets to invest and deploy green digital solutions at scale, leading to a sustainable, digital transformation of key sectors.
The session will present a current status on progress made developing key performance indicators (KPIs) for organisations when deploying or investing in green digital solutions.
Digital Trust: How Can We Navigate Digital Privacy Responsibly
Moderator: Magda Cocco, Partner, Vieira de Almeida
- Isabel Guerreiro, Head of Digital Europe at Banco Santander and Board Member, Santander Portugal
- Jonathan Sowler, Vice President of Engineering Customer Apps, Unbabel’s R&D teams
- Stefaan G. Verhulst, Co-Founder, The GovLab
- Steve Rochlin, CEO & Founder IMPACT ROI & Head of Americas, Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
Data is an essential resource in this new digital economy and is fundamental for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation and societal progress in general. Never in the history of humankind have we had access to such a volume of data and to such high capacity to store and process it, leading to privacy and data protection concerns as a major priority worldwide, as well as to tremendous pressure on cybersecurity.
Management concerns related to privacy and data protection emerge mainly as a compliance topic and are faced, in general, as a limitation to exploiting the full value of data. But what about digital trust? Does your organization measure digital trust? How can you define a strategy to improve the digital trust of your organization? What are the main challenges and opportunities for public and private organizations?
The role that digital SMEs can play in achieving EU climate targets
Moderator: Sebastiano Toffaletti, Secretary General, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
- Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser, European Commission
- Joost de Kluijver - CEO and founder, Closing the Loop
- Tatsiana Zaretskaya - Founder, Laava Tech & Meliora
- Paulo Valente, CEO, SmartLampPost
- Santo Lico, CEO, Huna.io
- Déborah Goll, Project Manager, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
With its European Green Deal and subsequent initiatives, the EU has set ambitious targets to tackle the climate crisis. All 27 EU Member States committed to make the EU the first climate neutral continent by 2050. To get there, they pledged to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030[1].
These targets require a drastic transformation of the European economy, industry and society, necessitating to rethink and develop new business model for all sectors. A challenge that ICT SMEs have taken up, due to their agile nature and innovative mindset. Europe’s twin transition to a green and digital economy is on its way by building on its key strength: innovative SMEs and their business ecosystems.
This session will explore how SMEs can maximise the effects of the EU’s environmental policies, by:
- discussing how ICT SMEs enable the creation of a digital sector that saves resources, energy, increases efficiency, and allows the repairability and re-use of products.
- showcasing impactful and innovative green digital solutions from the DIGITAL SME Focus Group of Green & Digital Innovators, which brings together more than 100 SMEs leading innovation in sustainable ICT and enabling the greening of other sectors.
- looking into the EU policy initiatives for green & digital transformation and current regulatory developments.
- discussing the required regulatory framework to enable and foster sustainable innovation.
The European DIGITAL SME Alliance is the largest network of ICT small and medium enterprises in Europe, representing more than 45,000 digital SMEs across the EU. The alliance is the joint effort of 30 national and regional SME associations from EU member states and neighbouring countries to put digital SMEs at the centre of the EU agenda.
Oceans of the 21st Century: Digital Solutions for a Half-Earth Future
Moderator: Ruben Eiras, Secretary-General, Fórum Oceano
- Nadia Laabs, COO, SafetyNet Technologies
- Pedro Manuel, BitCliq
- Eduardo Ramos, Senior Analyst, Green Mare Services
- Sérgio Leandro, Director, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (ESTM-IPLeiria)
- João Tasso, Head, Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologias Subaquáticas – LSTS
- Eduardo Silva, Head, INESTEC Ocean
- Jorge Miguel Alberto de Miranda, President, Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) Directive Council, I.P.
- Augusto Fragoso, Director-General for Information and Innovation, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)
- Telmo Dias, Lieutenant Commander, Portuguese Navy
The oceans of our planet have provided us with abundant resources and opportunities over the centuries – from fishing and leisure to shipping and mining. In present times though, there is a strong need for better tools to provide precise and real-time oceanic information to sustainably manage resources and fight against climate change. How can we use digital innovations to solve our problems and protect our oceans which cover 70% of our planet?
There is still a great gap in digital technology use and monitoring for our oceans. At the moment, only 20% of the ocean is mapped. By 2030, as part of the UN’s Ocean Decade, 100% of the ocean seafloor will need to be mapped. This panel will address those issues, focusing on demonstrating concrete operational solutions.
1st Part: context (8m each)
- How Can Digital Tech Enable Sustainable Ocean Practices – Eduardo Silva, Head, INESTEC Ocean
- Using Digital Technology and Smart Cables for Ocean Protection, Safety and Security – Prof. Miguel Miranda, IPMA President
- Ocean Digitalization by the Portuguese Navy – Telmo Dias, Lieutenant Commander, Portuguese Navy
- Digital Ocean: A connectivity and sensing paradigm – Augusto Fragoso, Director-General for Information and Innovation, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)
2nd part: solutions pitch (5m each)
- Precision Fishing – Nadia Laabs, SafetyNet Technologies
- Fish Traceability for Sustainable Consumption – Pedro Manuel, BitCliq
- Green Shipping Ratings – Eduardo Ramos, Green Mare Services
- Digital Solutions for the Co-Management of Fisheries – Sérgio Leandro, IPL Director
- Ocean Robotics for ESG Operations – João Tasso, LSTS-FEUP
Parallel Sessions: UNIPARTNER Stage
Moderator: Pedro Loupa - Co-founder of HumanityE
Sharing value in the digital age
Moderator: Francisco Jaime Quesado, Economist and Business Leader, Coordinator of Sharing Knowledge
- Pedro Faustino, Managing Director, AXIANS
- Sofia Santos, Sustainability Champion in Chief, Systemic
- Gonçalo Caseiro, Business Leader and Innovator
The digital age requires citizens and institutions to embrace new and different challenges and to define an alternative sense of purpose in their activities. Our society’s problems are becoming more uncertain and complex which requires new ways of thinking and to come up with solutions. This is why the act of sharing is one of the best ways to help to reconnect networks and to revisit the way we behave collectively in society.
Over the past two years, the digital platform “Sharing Knowledge” has aimed to address this issue by gathering together a wide group of managers, academics and specialists. Through their platform, they have promoted, on a daily basis, new ideas, documents and publications that cover a wide variety of matters related to societal challenges and economic trends.
The group has also been regularly organising “smart discussions” with high-level speakers to open conversations about present-day and future issues.
This session will serve to reinforce the importance of this sharing value agenda in the digital age. Three members of the Sharing Knowledge Group, with different expertise and experiences, will share with the insights that they have gathered over the past two years.
Treasure hunting: How to find conscious digital purpose in your organisation
Moderator: Michael Kuhndt, Collaborating Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)
Michael Kuhndt, Executive Director, Collaborating Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)
Pedro Loupa, Co-Founder, HumanityE
Bryan Welch, Co-CEO, Silk Grass Holdings US
Carsten Waldeck, CEO and Founder, SHIFT
- Jordi Marin Puigpelat, General Director of the Catalan Association of Consulting Companies (ACEC)
The expectation to deliver sustainable value to society has never been so high on the agenda of many companies and institutions, from the boards of large and small corporations to the United Nations, European Commission and other civil society organisations. But what does this truly mean in practice, particularly regarding products and services in the digital sector? When asked to incorporate sustainability into their organisation’s practices, decision-makers are often unsure how to go about this. Finding direction and breaking the journey down into concrete steps can feel like an insurmountable challenge.
In this workshop session, CSCP and Humanitye Foundation will demonstrate how to embark on a “purpose treasure hunt”. Using conscious leadership techniques and showcasing concrete strategies on how to improve sustainability practices by taking the viewpoints of a diverse array of relevant stakeholders, this workshop aims to help organisations and businesses discover more ways to ensure that its customers, employees, and society at large, live and work sustainably.
The Need and Urgency to Find Purpose Using Digital Technologies - Michael Kuhndt, Executive Director, CSCP
The Process Towards Finding Purpose: Golden Circle - Michael Kuhndt, Executive Director, CSCP
Moving Towards a Digital Society and Artificial Intelligence in Consciousness - Pedro Loupa, Co-Founder, HumanityE
A Mindful Path to Higher Purpose Digital Organizations - Bryan Welch is Co-CEO of Silk Grass Holdings, US
IT business with purpose - Samuel Waldeck, SHIFT
World Café: Finding My Digital Purpose
Delivering Solutions for Art And Science
Keynote: Barend Mons, Scientific Director, Go FAIR Foundation
Moderator: Dennis Pamlin, Executive Director, Mission Innovation’s Net-Zero Compatible Innovations Initiative
- Erik Schultes, Implementation Lead, GO FAIR Foundation
- Mariana Bozesan, Fellow World Academy Art and Science & Europe's Female Investor 2019
- Patrick McSharry, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
- Johan Falk, Co-founder and head, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
Much of the current sustainability debate focuses on achieving or protecting basic human needs, avoiding further catastrophic environmental and climatic damage. Yet the digitisation of so much of our society also raises deep-seated questions about how we as human beings relate to one another through the arts and to our natural world through the sciences.
Digitisation is now challenging the current familiar status quo whereby we view art and science as wholly different disciplines, how we separate out objective ´facts´ from subjective ´fiction.´
In this session, we explore the fluid boundaries of art and science and discuss where the new opportunities lie for meaningful change as we rapidly move toward a digitally-enabled renaissance.
Digital Inclusion
Moderator: Bernardo Sousa, Executive Coordinator, INCoDe.2030
Joana Barbany-Freixa, General Director for Digital Society, Government of Catalan
- João Baracho, Executive Director, CDI
- Mónica Canário, Project Manager, Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI)
Digital devices are now all-pervasive and digital is the most common form of human interaction. The global economy, productivity and innovation all have digital at their core, thereby accelerating the need for both digital literacy and ethics across a wide spectrum of everyday activities.
Yet the digital world is not fully accessible to everyone and there remain stark differences between demographic groups in access, education, and across a broad spectrum of professions beyond ICT. For many, digital platforms and tools remain beyond reach.
This session goes deep on these issues, focusing on best practice examples for digital inclusion, policy, partnering and investment requirements, as well as current and future trends that will help or hinder digital inclusion efforts.
INCoDe.2030 is an integrated public policy initiative whose mission is to promote those digital skills essential to fully exercise citizenship, enhance multi-faceted thinking, to promote autonomy, well-being and social justice.
The Digital Boom of the Silver Economy: New Opportunities in the Ageing Sector
Moderator: Inês Sequeira, Director of Casa do Impacto
- João Machado, President, Board of Directors, Ageas Foundation
- Sara Gonçalves, Founder, Actif
Older people are no longer at the periphery of the economy. In fact, silver consumers play an important role in the recovery of economies. Yes, we can look at the ageing population as an economic opportunity.
Older people tend to have higher incomes than younger people (especially in OECD countries due to old-age pensions) and high needs, therefore they are major potential consumers. Seniors are also growing rapidly in number: There are currently 750 million seniors in the world, and that figure will cross the 1 billion mark by 2030.
Due to the economic potential of elderly people there should be a cultural change in the typical image of ageing. Ageing is commonly associated with the loss of faculties and, in some ways, that is true. Nevertheless, older people can stay active and be useful to society – their income is taxed, they spend, and they may carry out voluntary work that saves money for the government. Their professional experience and spending power could contribute to economic growth and development all around the world.
Parallel Sessions: AUDITORIUM Stage
What data can do for the transportation sector
Moderator: João Ferreira, Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL)
- Luís Reis, Senior Manager, Lead for Transport, Mobility and Smart Territories at Axians Portugal
- João Tremoceiro, Director, Lisboa Urban Management and Intelligence Center
What can data give to businesses in transportation? What is the importance of data analysis, and in which ways does it impact organizational performance? Whether we are talking about environmental organizations, companies or municipalities, data collection and analysis will provide us with feedback regarding our products or overall business strategies – but how do we excel at such analysis and manage to mirror it in new business opportunities? Universities play an important role in this matter: by analysing and transforming the collected data, educational institutions may help companies and municipalities to understand such results and improve their strategies accordingly to this report.
SMEs with purpose: the next generation of companies and solution providers
Moderator: Sérgio Ribeiro, CEO and Co-Founder, Planetiers
- Diogo Teixeira, CEO and Co-Founder, Beta-i
- Rodrigo Tavares, Adjunct Full Professor, NOVA School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE)
- Assunção Cristas, Professor, Nova School of Law, Counsel, Vieira de Almeida
Purpose has become the new buzz word when it comes to sustainability. Big companies in particular have embraced this idea, but what about SMEs? How easy or hard is it for small- and medium- sized companies to incorporate sustainability, digitalization and innovation themes into their strategy and deliver purpose to their clients and to greater society? What data can be used to support these conversations and deliver real, tangible solutions?
In this session, hosted by Beta-i and Planetiers, experts will explore this topic, discussing these critical questions to ultimately set the tone and context for a workshop where the hosts will work with SMEs to collaboratively build an impact matrix and unravel barriers and potential solutions, together.