Corné Kempenaar
Senior Scientist, Wageningen Plant Research Institute
Dr. Corné (C.) Kempenaar is senior researcher precision agriculture at Wageningen University & Research, dept. Agro Systems Research, and Professor Smart Farming at Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Dronten. He has an MSc in plant protection and a PhD in Biological Weed control. During his ca. 30-year research career, he contributed to the development of several precision agriculture applications, such as variable rate crop protection, fertilizer use and seeding, and autonomous navigation in arable crops. This all has resulted on several apps on Akkerweb GIS data platform. Currently, he is coordinating public private R&D projects on precision farming (PA2.0, DISAC and PA4.0). He also coordinates the National Fieldlab Precision Farming (NPPL) and involved in the Farm of the Future project. Since 2020, he is board member of the Dutch Pesticide Admission Authority CTGB. For more details, please see https://www.wur.nl/en/Dossiers/file/dossier-precision-agriculture.htm.