Carsten Waldeck
CEO and Founder, SHIFT
Carsten Waldeck is a designer, philosopher and inventor from Hessen, Germany. He is also the founder and visionary behind the SHIFTPHONE and other sustainable technologies and companies. With its m-series in 2016, SHIFT introduced the most modular and sustainable smartphone ever built with "Universal Computing".
SHIFT is an investor-free 100% social business that aims to maximize purpose and values, not profit in order to do as much good and create as little harm as possible along the way.
Carsten received his Diploma in Communication Design from the HS Darmstadt (hda) in 1999 with his thesis "iWorld", that set the path for smartphones, social networks and mobile internet as we know it today. He also studied computer science and philosophy in Marburg and worked as a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute in Darmstadt in the area of "Mobile Information Visualization" and wrote scientific publications about his invention called "Liquid Browsing" as well as other interaction innovations.
Carsten loves people, great design, music, sustainability and social justice from the bottom of his heart.