Ingemar Jansson
Board Chairman, Swedish Industry Association for Digitalisation Consultants
Ingemar Jansson is an experienced strategist, entrepreneur, and digital sustainability expert with a history of both influencing government policy as well as helping clients in public and private sectors to realize their climate ambitions. His mission is to capture the opportunities of digital technology by integrating impact targets, assessments tools and steering instruments on strategic, tactical, and operative level.
In 2021 he founded the Digitalisation Consultancy Industry Association in Sweden “Digitaliseringskonsulterna” and is now Chairman of the Board of Directors. The association unites consultancy companies behind an ambitious climate agenda. The association supports politics, business, and the public sector in Sweden to see and utilize the opportunities of digital technology in the transition to a 1.5°C compatible economy, with the result of increased competitiveness and growth.
In 2018 he was entrusted to coordinate and co-author a roadmap for how Sweden can become fossil free by the means of strategic digitalisation. He united 33 CEOs from the most purposeful consultancy firms in Sweden to sign the roadmap before it was handed over to the Swedish Government in March, 2019. It contains both calls for action to the Swedish Parliament and Government as well as commitments from the industry itself, all identified as necessary to realize the ambitions of the roadmap.
As Head of Sustainable Strategy and Business Development for two of Scandinavias largest consultancy firms Cybercom Group and Knowit Group he was responsible for increasing their ability to help clients and society at large to capture the opportunities of digitalization and contribute with solutions to the global challenges of our time. During that time, he aligned the company’s vision, strategy, value propositions, products, and services with the 1.5°C ambition. It means prioritizing products and services that enable reduction and removal of customer and societal emissions, enabling resource efficient lifestyles and consumption patterns, and suppressing solutions with an adverse climate impact.
Before joining the consultancy world, Ingemar has more than 10 years of experience from the media-industry where he was Publisher and Business Manager for Sweden’s largest media-platform Aktuell Hållbarhet, covering the area of sustainability and corporate responsibility, providing sustainable business intelligence, training and conferences.
He graduated 2003 from Uppsala University with a Master in Business and Administration.