Jordi Marin Puigpelat
General Director of the Catalan Association of Consulting Companies
Jordi Marin Puigpelat is the General Director of the Catalan Association of Consulting Companies (ACEC), and a Senior Advisor at ABACUS, CEI Europe, VASS, Oryon Universal as well as an advisor at recognized companies such as Grupo Planeta.
He is also business development partner at MyHealth Watcher and Dear Intelligence, a member of the Social Council of UPF (Universidad Pompeu Fabra), and belongs to the Board of Directors of Andorra Business (a state society for economic promotion).
Marin Puigpelat holds associate professor positions at at UPF, ESADE, EADA, IQS and has previously held senior positions in renowned consultancies such as Capgemini, Indra. Prior to this, he has worked as a former general manager of Microsoft in Catalonia, as the former Secretary of Telecommunications for the government of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and as the Director of the TecnoCampus Mataró.