Meet the speakers


Event registration

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

President of the Portugese Republic

Teresa Ribera

Vice President and Ecological Transition Minister of Spain

Jeffrey Sachs

Economist, Author, Professor

António Costa Silva

Portuguese Minister of Economy and the Sea

Veerle Vandeweerd

Co-convener at COVID Education Alliance (COVIDEA)

Emmanouil Fragkos

Member of the European Parliament

Mário Campolargo

Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation of Portugal

Timmy Dooley

Irish Senator of Fianna Fáil, ALDE Party Co-President

Dirk Messner

President of the German Environmental Agency

Luisa Ribeiro Lopes

Chair of the Board of Directors at .PT.

Amandeep Singh Gill

UN Under-Secretary-General and Envoy on Technology

Luis Neves


David Jensen

Coordinator, Digital Transformation at UN Environment Programme

Joana Barbany-Freixa

General Director for Digital Society at Catalan Government

Andre Aragao de Azevedo

Digital Development Partnerships Director Microsoft International

Pedro Tavares

Portuguese Secretary of State for Justice

Rear Admiral Mário José Simões Marques

Portuguese Navy

Peter Lacy

Global Sustainability Services Lead and Chief Responsibility Officer, Accenture

Joost de Kluijver

CEO and Founder at Closing the Loop

Julia Schmalenberg

Director European R&I Ecosystems, Huawei Technologies

Barend Mons

Scientific Director, GO FAIR Foundation

Vasco Vaz

Assistant Technical Delegate, Worldskills Portugal

Margarida Couto

CEO, Vasco Vieira de Almeida Foundation

Rodrigo Tavares

Adjunct Full Professor, NOVA School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE)

Augusto Fragoso

Director-General for Information and Innovation at ANACOM - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações

Corné Kempenaar

Senior Scientist, Wageningen Plant Research Institute

Clara Mansilha

Sustainability Community Lead, Microsoft

Joao Ricardo Moreira

Board Member, NOS Comunicacoes

Assunção Cristas

Professor, Nova School of Law, Counsel, Vieira de Almeida

Sebastiano Toffaletti

Secretary General at European DIGITAL SME Alliance

Andrés Ortolá

General Manager, Microsoft Portugal

Ivan Rejon

Head of Strategy, Marketing, Communications and Public Affairs, Ericsson Spain & Portugal

Sérgio Trindade

Director of Information Systems and Digital Transformation, EPAL

Maria Lopes Saraiva

Senior Strategy Manager, Google

Telmo Dias

Lieutenant Commander, Portuguese Navy

Déborah Goll

Project Manager, European DIGITAL SME Alliance

Santo Lico

CEO of Huna

Jose Crespo Carvalho

CEO of ISCTE Executive ​Education​

Erik Swan

Director of Digital Business Exploration, Husqvarna Group

Allen Vasconcelos

Global Digital Director, EDP

Tony Jin Yong

Vice President of Huawei West European Region

João Dias

Chief Digital Officer, Novo Banco

Pedro Costa Lima

Head of Sales, BrightCity

Francisco Jaime Quesado

Economist and Business Leader, Coordinator of Sharing Knowledge

Declan Kirrane

Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science

Nadia Laabs

Co-founder, SafetyNet Technologies

Rogério Carapuça

President, Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications (APDC)

Jonathan Sowler

Senior Vice President of Engineering, Unbabel

Alexandre Vaz

CEO of JAy!

Inês Oliveira

Portfolio Sales Executive, Unipartner

Dennis Pamlin

Entrepreneur and Founder

Georgios Kostakos

Co-founder and Executive Director of the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability

Erika Staël von Holstein

Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa (RIE)

Eduardo Ramos

Senior Analyst, Green Mare Services

Aimée Aguilar

Climate Change Mitigation in the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division Lead, OECD

Angelo Fienga

Director, Sustainable Solutions at Cisco EMEAR

João Nascimento

Head of the Digital Global Unit, EDP

Mónica Canário

Project Manager, Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI)

Michael Kuhndt

Executive Director of Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)

Ana Paula Marques

Executive Board Member at EDP

Pourya Salehi

Acting Head of Urban Research Team, ICLEI World Secretariat

Anna Jezewska

Senior Associate, Carbon Trust

Julien Willeme

Global Chief Counsel for Data & AI Strategy, Medtronic

Dan Jeavons

Vice President for Computational Science and Digital Innovation, Shell

Ruben Eiras

Secretary General of Forum Oceano

Pedro Loupa

Co-founder of HumanityE

Sérgio Miguel Leandro

Director of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

Pedro Manuel

Founder and Executive Director, BITCLIQ

Daniel Azevedo

Director Commodities, Trade and Technology, Copa-Cogeca

Chris Tuppen

Managing Director, Advancing Sustainability Ltd

Isabel Guerreiro

Head of Digital and Retail Europe, Banco Santander

Patrícia Matos

Director of Innovation, Global Media Group

Bryan Welch

Co-CEO, Silk Grass Holdings US

João Tasso

Head of Underwater Systems and Technologies Laboratory (LSTS)

Paulo Valente

CEO, SmartLampPost

Ingemar Jansson

Board Chairman, Swedish Industry Association for Digitalisation Consultants

Laura Fernández Cavas

Head of Sustainable Finance, Telefónica

Maria João Carioca

Executive Board Member, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer, Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Margarida Pinto Correia

Deputy Director of External Affairs and Stakeholders, EDP

Jordi Marin Puigpelat

General Director of the Catalan Association of Consulting Companies

Jorge Miguel Alberto de Miranda

President of the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)

Magda Cocco

Partner, Vieira de Almeida

Rui Luis Aguiar

Chair of the Steering Board of the NetworldEurope European Technology Platform

Vincent Minier

Vice President Energy Transition Research, Schneider Electric Sustainability Research Institute

José Miguel Pessanha

Chief Revenue Officer at Millennium bcp

Marcos Pinto

Presenter, CNN Portugal

Steve Rochlin


Alessandro Gropelli

Deputy Director General, ETNO

Vlad C. Coroamă

Lecturer of digitalisation and sustainability at TU Berlin

Tom Slocock

Managing Director and Head of International Product and Origination, iCapital

Alexander Lehrmann

Senior Director Innovation & Development, Sunrise UPC

Sofia Tenreiro

Energy, Resources & Industrials Sectors Leader, Deloitte

Erik Schultes

Implementation Lead, GO FAIR Foundation

Bernd Halling

Bayer Liaison to International Organizations

Sara Gonçalves

Founder of Actif

Gregor Skender

Director, Sustainability Director, Deloitte Belgium

Luis Reis

SenioManager, Lead for Transport, Mobility and Smart Territories at Axians Portugal

Miguel Eiras Antunes

Public Sector & Infrastructure Portugal & Continental Europe Leader, Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Global Leader, Deloitte

Stephen Downes

Internet and New Media Researcher

Smita Rakesh

Vice president and Partner at Social Alpha

Maryke van Staden

Director, ICLEI’s carbonn Climate Center (Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting)

João Machado

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ageas Foundation

Stefaan G. Verhulst

Co-Founder, The GovLab

João Ferreira

Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL)

Jorge Moreira da Silva

Chairman of the Platform for Sustainable Growth

Patrick McSharry

Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Africa

Eduardo Silva

Coordinator of the TEC4SEA platform at INESC TEC

Inês Sequeira

Founder & Director of Casa do Impacto

Damien Buie

Segment Leader Renewables and New Energies, Amazon Web Services

Paula Gomes Freire

Managing Partner at Vieira de Almeida

Dr. Mariana Bozesan

Investor, futurist, author

Johan Falk

CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Bastien Hillen

Global Lead for Sustainability Strategic Engagements, Dassault Systèmes

Bernardo Santos e Sousa

Executive Director, Portugal Digital

Sérgio Ribeiro

CEO & Co-founder, Planetiers

Natasha Santos

Bayer AG, Crop Science Division Vice President, Head of Global Stakeholder Affairs & Strategic Partnerships

Carsten Waldeck

CEO and Founder, SHIFT

Alexandre Antunes

Service Area Leader, Unipartner

João Baracho

Executive Director of CDI Portugal

Diogo Teixeira

Co-Founder & CEO of Beta-i

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