Miguel Eiras Antunes

Miguel Eiras Antunes

Public Sector & Infrastructure Portugal & Continental Europe Leader, Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Global Leader, Deloitte

Miguel Eiras Antunes leads the public sector, transportation and infrastructure industries both in Portugal and in continental Europe. He also heads globally the Smart Cities & Urban Transformation practices at Deloitte.    

In Portugal, Miguel leads a Global Centre of Excellence which is 100% focused on developing and deploying technical solutions and assets to modernise public sector and transportation clients.

In continental Europe, Miguel leads the public sector practice across 40 countries, coordinating a team of 3000 people. 

Globally, Miguel also coordinates a team of 4000 smart city and urban development experts, who advise cities, urban developers, and infrastructure managers on the smartest path for the future. This high-performing team leverages Deloitte´s alliances, in-house developed assets, and expertise to turn those cities and urban ecosystems that are greener, smarter, and more connected.

Passionate about the future of cities and mobility, Miguel strongly advocates a move “from urban living to a more human living” in order to have a positive impact on the lives of future generations and contribute to a more sustainable and happy way of living. Under his management, Deloitte has committed to working with partners, governments and NGOs to improve the urban living of more than 1 billion people by 2030.