José Miguel Pessanha

José Miguel Pessanha

Chief Revenue Officer at Millennium bcp

José Miguel Pessanha has been an executive board member and Chief Revenue Officer at Millennium bcp since 2015 and is responsible for the Group Risk Office, Compliance Office, Rating Division, the Office for the Regulatory and Supervision Monitoring, the Office for the Validation and Monitoring of Models and the Data Protection Office, among other positions held in other Group entities.

José Miguel holds a Degree in Economics from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and a Master’s Degree in Operation Investigation (academic portion) from the Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal). He was a Professor of Statistics and Econometrics at Universidade Católica Portuguesa until 1995 and joined Banco Português do Atlântico in 1989.