Joana Barbany-Freixa

Joana Barbany-Freixa

General Director for Digital Society at Catalan Government

Professional in the ICT sector with more than 20 years of experience in new technologies, innovation project management and the public sector.

Graduate in Journalism and Diploma in Business Studies. Master's Degree in Business Communication and Digital Technologies at UPF-BSM. She has attended leadership programmes at ESADE (Vicens Vives Programme), IESE (Public Management Leadership Programme) and AED (Directors Programme).

She is an expert in defining key strategies for the digital business sector in the field of technology and also leads public policies aimed at promoting digital citizenship through Smart Cities, digital training, inclusion and empowerment programmes for society.

She works towards equal opportunities and bridging the digital gap, especially those aimed at promoting a greater presence of women in the technology sector. She is an ambassador and mentor for the international network Women in Tech.

She is currently Director General for Digital Society of the Government of Catalonia and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cybersecurity Agency. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of ESADE Creapolis and is an Advisory Member and patron of different organisations such as the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Barcelona Digital Talent- MWC, Women in Tech and Women in Mobile.

She has previously worked in strategic consulting for companies in the digital sector such as LaviniaTC and LTCProject. In 2011 she joined Sant Cugat Council, where she took on different responsibilities related to technology, innovation and economic promotion.