Erika Staël von Holstein

Erika Staël von Holstein

Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa (RIE)

Erika Staël von Holstein (née Widegren) is Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa (RIE), an international think tank that operates as the first incubator for new political ideas for Europe for the 21st century.

Founded by President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, in honour of his partnership and friendship with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and their efforts to define a future that goes beyond personal, national or partisan interests, RIE’s mission is to redefine how long-term vision and policies are developed using new technologies to foster a dynamic public discourse, collective intelligence and realistic solutions for the benefit of a stronger, fairer and more competitive Europe.

Together with Professor Manuel Castells, Erika Staël von Holstein leads the RIE Task Force on “Democracy in a Digital Society”, which brings together over one hundred international experts from academia, policy, media, civil society and industry to develop a blueprint of what a European model for the digital society could look like.

Erika Staël von Holstein has been working in the field of connecting science, society and policy for over a decade. She is fellow at PlusValue, a UK-based European company focusing on social innovation; she is board member of Citizen Communication Platform, a Swedish project to promote stronger communication with citizens; and member of the committee supporting the work of Luc Van den Brande, Special Adviser to President Jean- Claude Juncker, for the Report on the “Outreach towards Citizen” Strategy.

She has written and contributed to numerous reports, articles and opinion pieces, such as: “The Dream of Europe: Creative efforts to reimagine the EU” (OECD – The Forum Network, 2022); Reimagining Europe: engaging the younger generation is vital for the future” (EPFMA Bulletin 76, 2021); “Mechanisms that Shape Social Media and their Impact on Society” (2020) “Democracy in a Digital Society” (Re-Imagine Europa, 2019); “Citizen Engagement and Media Campaign on Chronic Diseases” (EISMD, 2016); “Have your say…about Science! Special Initiative for Citizen Engagement in Science” (EISMD, 2014); “The Role of the Media in Responsible Research and Innovation” (EISMD 2013); “European Research and Innovation – 2020: What can the leading institutions of civil society do for Europe?” (EISMD, 2010).

She is a frequent speaker and moderator at European conferences on these topics including: “Biennale Tecnologia” (Torino, 2022); Re-Imagine Europa Annual Forum 2022 “Emotions, Narratives and the Future of Europe”
(Brussels, May 2022); OECD High-level Roundtable ‘Rethinking Technology for Inclusive Transitions’ – Panel “Setting Goals and Agenda Through Foresight and Participatory Processes” (online event, December 2021); ETUC Rethinking “Rethinking Our Growth Model to Ensure a Job-Rich Recovery” (online event, September 2021); EPRS event “How should democracies respond to the disinformation dilemma?” (Brussels, February 2020); “Lessons from Europe” (Rio de Janeiro, July 2019); OECD High-level Meeting “Understanding the Economy and How to Make It Work Better for People” (Madrid – April 2019); RIE-ALLEA Forum on “Democracy in a Digital Society (Berlin – January 2019); OECD Forum 2018 (Paris – May 2018); Economic Ideas Forum 2017 (Brussels - November 2017); SAPEA International Science Conference"Crossing Boundaries: New Approaches to Science for Policy in Europe" (Tallinn - October 2017); European Parliament - European Innovation Summit (Brussels - November 2016); European Commission - 2nd INGSA Conference on "Science and Policy Making: towards a new dialogue" (Brussels, September 2016).