Aimée Aguilar

Aimée Aguilar

Climate Change Mitigation in the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division Lead, OECD

Aimée Aguilar is in charge of leading work on Climate Change Mitigation in the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division of the Environment Directorate for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Her current work focuses on the implementation of the Systems Innovation for Net-Zero Process, which has been designed to help governments achieve the transformational change needed to reach international climate goals while improving wider well-being outcomes.

The OECD Systems Innovation for Net-Zero Process builds on system's thinking and triggers two key mind-set shifts: from means (e.g. GDP) to ends (well-being inclusive of planetary health); and from parts (e.g. improving vehicles) to systems (e.g. shifting away from car-dependency). In this way, it focuses climate action on redesigning systems so that, by their functioning, they improve well-being while reducing the energy and material demand, and thus reducing emissions.

Before leading the Climate Change Mitigation team, Aimée worked in the International Transport Forum at the OECD. Before starting her career at the OECD, she worked for the World Resources Institute.

Aimée holds a Bachelor in Economics from the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas (Mexico), a Masters in International Political Economy from the Warwick University (UK) and a Maitresse in Sustainable Development from Dauphine Univeristé (France).